The podcast where a Gal & her pals celebrate their love of weed, snacks, and tv.

009: Snack Sunday, or Black Cow Burgers

009: Snack Sunday, or Black Cow Burgers

This week, we had an In-Flight Snack Sponsor, Black Cow Burgers. So, on a Monday night, we went in to try them out!

Black Cow Burgers is located in the heart of Portland’s Old Port on Exchange Street, at the top of Post Office Park. The building used to be an old bank, so still retains much of that charm; there’s an old vault and the floor is gorgeous!

At Black Cow Burgers, you order at the counter, and they bring out your food. We were helped by Anthony, who was amazing, and told us so much about the restaurant. He assured us that everything except the bottled condiments on the table was made in house, down to the peppermint sticks in their peppermint ice cream. He gave us a few suggestions, which we took, and happily took out seats to wait for our food.


Riley got the classic cheeseburger with all the fixings, while Kelsea got the special of the evening, a fried pork sandwich with pickles and chipotle mayo (on the side, cause she’s a weird condiment hating freak. We shared a side of fries and the roasted cauliflower. On the side, we each got a house-made soda; Riley got a Brooklyn Egg Cream (the one with chocolate!) and Kelsea got her favorite, Orange Vanilla Soda.

Both sandwiches disappeared quickly, with exclamations of joy all around. The pork sandwich was crispy and tangy and a little smoky and not at all dry, as it could have gone. The burger was cooked perfectly and Riley constantly talked about how good it was for the next three days - “Dude. You know what I want? Another one of those burgers!” at random times. The fries were crispy enough for even Kelsea, who always orders her fries extra crispy, and the roasted cauliflower was delish, with a heavenly cheese sauce that we kept dipping our fries into.

We couldn’t possibly have eaten anymore, but they knew we were recording the following evening, and Anthony made sure to send us home with cookies for the next night, which were mmmaaayyybbeee half consumed by the time we got to recording. Think of the best cowboy cookies you’ve ever had, and you’ll be close; peanut butter and oatmeal with some chocolate chips. O. M. G.


We loved the N64 room, where we found out they’ll be holding a mother-effing Goldeneye tournament on March 3rd. We also loved the happy hour special, The Happy Happy Joy Joy, which was a burger, beer, shot, and fries for $15. And, cherry on top of this place, you can order online. Yup. That’s right. It’s magical. No human interaction, which is everything Kelsea ever wants out of life. Except these folks are so rad, even she can tolerate them!

If you make it in to Black Cow Burgers during the month of March and mention Pilot Lites, well, let’s just say that you’ll get a 10% discount, and who doesn’t want great food at an even better price!

To hear us actually gush about them, make sure you check out Episode 009: Friends, of That One Kelsea Hates, coming to you on February 27th at 4:20 PM EST!

009: Mary Jane Crush Monday, or a Crash Course In Concentrates

009: Mary Jane Crush Monday, or a Crash Course In Concentrates

"Letterkenny", or The Burning Bush