The podcast where a Gal & her pals celebrate their love of weed, snacks, and tv.

020: Mary Jane Crush Monday, or The Baked Boxer

020: Mary Jane Crush Monday, or The Baked Boxer

Happy Mary Jane Crush Monday! This week, we were lucky enough to work with a pretty new medical marijuana provider, The Baked Boxer.

The Baked Boxer is run by Ashley and her partner, based in Springvale, Maine. Not only do they offer high quality products and edibles (more about those in a minute), but The Baked Boxer focuses on offering medicated mindfulness experiences, like yoga, meditation, and nature hikes.

Best part? You can order your products online for delivery AND book your classes online!


Ashley also brought us a TON of amazing medicated body products, which go beyond just having CBD or THC in them. Each product is mindfully made with high-quality ingredients, which also serve additional purposes, whether it’s reducing swelling or inflammation or moisturizing.

Kelsea’s favorite product is the THC arthritis salve, which is amazing on her old lady hips and her hands, which have been miserable in the cold, wet spring we’re having here in Maine. In addition to the THC, this salve has cayenne, coconut oil, and olive oil, which are designed to reduce pain caused by arthritis. It’s also got some clary sage oil, which reduces muscle spasms and aches, and rosemary oil, which relieves muscle and joint pain.

Riley’s really been digging the CBD body butter, pictured here, which smells amazing. Besides the CBD, this body butter has marshmallow root, shea butter, and ylang ylang and patchouli essential oils.

Finally, Ashley gave us about a gram each of 6 different types of flower she and her partner grow, which were all amazing. Kelsea’s favorite was the Sour Amnesia Haze, a sativa dominant, get shit done weed, for sure. Riley loved the Purple Vapor, an indica leaning hybrid, which was great for helping her recover.

For Episode 020, we smoked the Pineapple Express, both because Ashley declared it her all time favorite, and because Riley had never tried it. Make sure you tune in on Weed Wednesday at 4:20 on any podcatcher to check out our new episode. And, if you’d like to win a few of those awesome body products, make sure you’re supporting us at the $5 level on Patreon to be entered in a monthly giveaway for awesome stuff from our sponsors!


Since Riley has been bed-bound recovering from her surgery, Kelsea met Ashley for goodie delivery, and had a great time chatting! Ashley brought us so many goodies, we almost didn’t know where to start, but let’s break it down by things we could eat, things we could put on our body, and things we could smoke!

Ashley brought each of us four of her medicated peanut butter cups, and they were amazing! Coming in at 40 mg each, they were great to chill with before bed for a really good night sleep. There was a sunflower seed one, a couple with plain chocolate, and one with coconut.


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